Author: Arminda Kamphausen

MSSRIB Students Visit UN PRME

A group photo of people at PRME
A group photo of people at PRME

4 MS Social Responsibility & Impact in Business students, Dean John Elliott, and Arminda Kamphausen, Director of Global & Sustainability Initiatives @ the UConn School of Business traveled to NYC to participate in the UN PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education) Open House. During the event, students learn more about PRME programs and goals, our role as a signatory, and most importantly gave them the opportunity to connect with students from 3 other PRME institutions in the region. The PRME Secretariat also arranged a tour of the UN where students serendipitously had a UConn alum as their docent.

VOYA Colloquium hosted by UConn Marketing Department

Voya Panel picture outside with fall colors
Guest Panel for Voya Colloquium: Martin Mende, Gergana Nenkov, Anita Rao, Michael Posner

Voya Colloquium hosted by Marketing Department by Christina Kan

The Marketing Department at the UConn School of Business hosted its 12th annual Voya Financial Colloquium on the topic of “Social Responsibility and Impact in Business.” The event, held on Oct 25th, 2024, brought together researchers from diverse perspectives to discuss the role of business in economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

“This year’s topic is near and dear to our hearts, as it dovetails with the soft launch of our new MS program in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business. In our program, we think of this as encompassing many areas – it’s not just environmental sustainability, but also economic and social sustainability, as well as fair labor practices, and more,” said UConn Marketing professor Christina Kan, who organized the event.

The colloquium featured four distinguished speakers – Professors Martin Mende, Gergana Nenkov, Anita Rao and Michael Posner – each of whom approached the topic from a different lens – including marketing and law – as well as different methodologies – including experimental and econometric approaches.

The colloquium fostered an energetic discourse between speakers and participants. Faculty and doctoral students from all over the UConn campus attended, including marketing, law, and the Human Rights Institute. Also in attendance were guests from UMass and URI.