MSSRIB Prof. Rachel Chambers co-editor of exciting upcoming volume highlighted below!
Content Provided By: Ekaterina Aristova
Last week, a notable research roundtable on business and human rights litigation was hosted at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights in Oxford. The event brought together around 40 colleagues from more than 20 jurisdictions across all continents to discuss chapters for the upcoming Cambridge Handbook on Business and Human Rights Litigation. The roundtable was organized by Ekaterina Aristova, who was joined by co-editors Hassan M. Ahmad and Rachel Chambers (A faculty member in the MSSRIB program!) in leading the discussions.
Participants engaged in in-depth conversations on a wide range of topics, including land grabbing in Cambodia, rights of nature jurisprudence in Ecuador, supply chain litigation in England, the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, cobalt mining in Congo, and more. The event fostered a truly collaborative atmosphere, offering valuable insights into the complex intersection of business, human rights, and litigation.
Special thanks were extended to the Bonavero Institute team and the event’s supporters—Woodsford, the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, Leverhulme Trust, and the University of Connecticut School of Business—whose contributions helped make the roundtable a success. Looking ahead, participants are excited for the release of the Cambridge Handbook by Cambridge University Press, expected sometime next year.